Using the historical and legal, comparative and legal, formal and legal and other methods, the author has carried out an analysis of the constitutional and legal principles of the formation of committees and temporary commissions of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine after acquiring the independence by Ukraine. The author has established their essence, the main features and patterns of the formation, characterized by a gradual recession from the organization that existed in Ukrainian SSR, and the implementation of modern principles of parliamentarism. The lack of a systematic approach of taking into account the historical experience of forming parliamentary committees and temporary commissions for the further development of this institution in Ukraine have caused the relevance of the study of the formation of parliamentary committees and temporary commissions in Ukraine.
It has been determined that the formation of parliamentary committees and temporary commissions after acquiring the independence by Ukraine was based on controversial experience of the Soviet period, and primarily characterized by the gradual development of parliamentarism, the transformation of standing commissions into committees, general increase in their role, streamlining of types of temporary commissions, the implementation of some modern democratic principles of functioning. The peculiarities of the development of the institution of parliamentary committees and temporary commissions include the comprehensive legislative regulation of the status of parliamentary committees and the lack of a law on temporary commissions, the slow adoption of the law on parliamentary committees in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, non-compliance with the procedure for the adoption of certain laws on committees and temporary commissions, the lack of theoretical substantiated holistic vision of the ways of their development, etc.
The author has grounded the priority directions of the development of the constitutional and legal status of parliamentary committees and temporary commissions in Ukraine, which should take into account the relevant historical experience and should acquire a consistent, systematic and well-founded character in accordance with the urgent tasks of the parliament in a democratic legal state including further elaboration of specialized legislation and elimination of its gaps.
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