ISSN 1727-1584 (Print)
ISSN 2617-2933 (Online)
Law and Safety
Purpose, objectives and scope of application
“Law and Safety is an open access scientific journal aimed at disseminating research results of both theoretical and practical nature in the fields of law and security.
The objectives of the publication are to assist researchers in conducting scientific activities, disseminating the latest scientific knowledge, publishing research on topical issues of law and legal psychology, combating crime, ensuring national security and human rights, protection of intellectual property, cybersecurity, legal reform and more.
Frequency of Publication
The journal is published 4 times a year: in March, June, September and December. Articles can be submitted at any time of the year and will be selected according to their relevance.
The journal had to unite on its pages scholars and practitioners of internal affairs agencies and other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine; it had the tasks to spread among a wide range of scientific community the results of current research of scholars, academic staff of higher educational establishments, professionals, police officers and employees of other ministries and institutions of Ukraine and abroad in the sphere of realizing law enforcement activity, guaranteeing and protecting human rights and interests in the democratic society.
Important research areas of the journal are methodological, legal, economic, social and technical aspects of the state-building on the way of sustainable development and ensuring its national security.
The first chief editor of the journal was the rector of the University, MP of Ukraine, colonel-general of police Oleksander Markovych Bandurka. Initiators of the journal conceived it a platform, a mouthpiece for authors, who are turning to applied problems. Thus, it is no accident that the following rubrics of the edition were determined: “Theory and Practice of the Law Enforcement Activity”, “Technical Support of the Activities of the National Security”, “Economic Security of the State in the Terms of Market Transformation”, etc.
At the root of the journal were well-known experts in their areas – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu. O. Abramov; Doctor of Law, Professor V. S. Venedyktov; Doctor of Economics, Professor V. V. Glushchenko; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I. D. Gorbenko; Doctor of Law, Professor V. P. Yemelianov; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. M. Zatserklianyi; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow I. V. Zozulia; Doctor of Economics, Professor M. M. Kim; Doctor of Economics, Professor Ye. V. Kovaliov; Candidate of Law, Professor P. I. Orlov; Doctor of Economics, Professor V. M. Soboliev; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu. V. Stasiev; Doctor of Law, Professor V. M. Trubnykov; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I. A. Sherenkov; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor S. V. Yakovlev; Doctor of Economics, Professor O. L. Yaremenko; Doctor of Law, Professor O. N. Yarmysh. This powerful team was the first editor board of the journal, and due to its high professionalism and thorough reviewing the scientific edition “Law and Safety” traced the highest professional standard from the very beginning.
The real discovery was the rubric “Editorial Board’s Page”, where every issue highlighted the most significant and interesting events that had taken place at the University and scientific research of the current year. However, since 2007, this information has begun to be highlighted in another periodical professional edition, which founder and publisher of is the University – the collection of scientific papers “Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs”.
New research areas of the journal like sociological and psychological have in a short while appeared after its founding, in the same 2002. Editorial board of the journal has also expanded according to these areas of science. It included Doctor of Sociology, Professor V. S. Bakirov, Doctor of Sociology, Senior Research Fellow M. M. Sappa, Doctor of Sociology, Professor V. O. Soboliev, Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor I. P. Rushchenko, Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor L. M. Khyzhniak, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor L. M. Balabanova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor S. P. Bocharova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V. A. Druz, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L. A. Perelygina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M. H. Samoilov.
There were 4 issues of the journal throughout 2002, the volume was 100 printed sheets, where there were 198 scientific articles and other materials.
2003 was marked with a number of important events. First, according to the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated from 06.11.2003 the scientific journal “Law and Safety” was recognized as a professional in legal and technical sciences; from 12.10.2003 – in psychological and sociological sciences, from 30.06.2004 – in economic sciences. Second, the journal was registered as an international edition in the ISSN International Centre, Paris (ISSN 1727-1584); scientific papers of the experts from near and far abroad started to appear; the numbering of the journal was transferred to the most spread numbering at that time in the international practice, which included, besides the calendar year, the number of volume (responding to the number of the year) and the number of an issue in this volume.
According to the innovation the editorial board of the journal unanimously recognized Doctor of Law, Professor V. S. Venediktov as the author of the best article in 2003 and awarded him with the honorary Certificate “The Article of 2003” for the series of published articles in the field of labor law and social guaranteeing law. The owner of the Certificate was entitled to priority publication in the journal.
By the results of the V contest among law issues of 2002/2003 the Bar Association of Ukraine acknowledged the journal “Law and Safety” as the best legal periodicals of Ukraine and rewarded it with special awards for the high scientific level of publications and highlighting a wide range of problems of the law enforcement activity, as well as for originality of interior design.
In the end of 2004, the editorial board of the journal according to its resolution rewarded Doctor of Psychology, Professor L. M. Balabanova with the Certificate “The Article of 2004” for the series of articles on social psychology and personality’s psychology; the staff of the general library of the National University of Internal Affairs with the Certificate of Merit of 2004 for the assistance of law enforcement awareness activity of the scientific journal “Law and Safety”; Candidate of Law, Associate Professor O. V. Martseliak with the Certificate “Yurystyka-2004” according to the results of the All-Ukrainian contest for the best scientific monographic publication of the year in the sphere of law enforcement activity dedicated to the professional holiday – the Police Day of Ukraine.
Eventually the editorial board of the journal was renewed. In 2006, the position of the journal’s chief editor was occupied by Doctor of Law, Professor V. S. Venediktov; from 2008 this position was occupied by Doctor of Law, Senior Research Fellow O. M. Golovko and the executive secretary of the editorial board of the journal was P. M. Lvova; in 2009-2012 Doctor of Law, Professor A. T. Komziuk was acting chief editor; from 2012 till 2016 the editorial board is again headed by Doctor of Law, Professor O. M. Golovko; from june 2016 the chief editor is Doctor of Law, Professor M. Yu. Burdin; the executive secretary of the editorial board from 2009 till 2013 was O. O. Konobevska, and from 2014 these duties were entrusted to P. O. Bilous.
Since 2009 electronic copies of the journal have begun to be placed in the database “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”, which is headed by Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
During the same year the numbering of the journal has been modified, which is kept to this day: near the year of publication, besides the current numbering, gross numbering is also indicated – serial number of the issue of the edition from its foundation. Periodicity of the journal’s edition is 4 times per year since 2013.
Although the scientific journal “Law and Safety” underwent various transformations over time, but its constant status and active influence on domestic law and legal practice always remained the same. In 2010 and 2012 the journal was ranked the 2nd, and in 2014 took the 3rd place in the contests for the best scientific, educational and periodical edition within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the category “scientific periodicals”. In 2017 it was awarded a diploma for the 2nd place.
In 2018 the journal “Pravo i Bezpeka” got new parallel titles in different languages – “Право і безпека” (in Ukrainian), “Право и безопасность” (in Russian), “Law and Safety” (in English). Appropriate changes have already been made to the State Register of Printed Mass Media and News Agencies as Subjects of Information Activity (see here).
Online version of the journal (ISSN 2617-2933) has also received the international registration. Such a registration, among other things, means that the journal has received the status of an open access publication, since it was included in the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD) after the verification.
Since 2018 the articles published in the journal get Digital Object Identificator (DOI) from Crossref.
According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of the List of scientific and specialized publications of Ukraine” dated January 15, 2018 No. 32, documents confirming compliance with the requirements for assigning the appropriate category were submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture. On March 17, 2020, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 409, the journal was assigned the “B” category.
In October 2020, the scientific journal “Law and Safety” took the 1st place among Ukrainian publications in the field of law in the “Index Copernicus International” rating, in the world rating it is the 9th position out of 301 publications.
In 2021, the scientific journal “Law and Safety” took the 1st place in the competition for the best scientific, scientific and technical and career guidance products in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies for the provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions, establishments and enterprises belonging to the sphere of administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the nomination “Scientific periodicals (scientific journals, collections of scientific works, including electronic)”.
In 2023, the Law and Safety scientific journal took the 1st place in the All-Ukrainian (national) competition of scientific and educational publications on Law, Security and European Integration "Yurydyka" in the nomination "Scientific Journal on Law", as well as the 2nd place in the competition for the best scientific, scientific, technical and career guidance products in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, establishments and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
ISSN 1727-1584 (Print)
ISSN 2617-2933 (Online)
Law and Safety
Other Editions of the Founder
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