ISSN 1727-1584 (Print)
ISSN 2617-2933 (Online)
Law and Safety
Before submitting an article to the journal, we recommend that you read the editorial policy (About the journal) and review it (Guide for authors). In order to be able to submit manuscripts, you must register on the journal's website. If you are already registered, just log in to the site and go through the 5 steps of submitting a manuscript for review.
Submission Requirements
Publications are submitted in Ukrainian or English, but certain elements are submitted in several languages.
The author (or one of the authors, if the publication was prepared by several authors) can submit materials electronically on the publication's website through the OJS platform (link).
3.1. Basic technical requirements:
- main document format - only DOC or DOCX;
- the volume of the main text - from 4000 to 6000 thousand words;
- font - Times New Roman 14 point (all elements);
- line spacing - 1.5;
- fields of the document: on the left - 25 mm, the rest - 20 mm; indent before and after the paragraph - 0;
- paragraph indent - 1.25
- transfers are not used;
- it is necessary to clearly differentiate dashes (-) and hyphens (-);
- it is forbidden to seal or thin the spaces between the letters;
- it is forbidden to reflect paragraphs by tabs or multiple spaces;
- one space is used between words (it is forbidden to dilute words with several spaces);
- quotation marks of the "" format are used;
- an inseparable space is placed between the initials and the surname (Ctrl + Shift + space).
- requirements for the submission of formulas, figures, tables can be determined separately in the submission process.
3.2. Requirements for the structure of the article and its elements:
- mandatory elements of the article are: UDC code (determined by library specialists), information about the authors, title, annotation with keywords, main text, link lists;
- mandatory elements must be placed in the appropriate form;
- translation of elements of the article into English (from English, if the article is prepared in English), in addition to information about the authors, carried out or checked by editorial staff;
- in the information about the authors indicate the e-mail for at least one of the authors, which is defined by other authors as a contact person, and in case of submission of a single article, the author indicates his e-mail; such information is subject to publication.
Pay attention! The editorial board accepts original and review articles and reviews for consideration.
Original article is a manuscript, which presents the results of a completed study on a specific issue. The conclusions of such an article should clearly indicate the personal contribution of the author (s) to the solution of the problem.
Review article is a manuscript in which the results of research in a particular field on a specific topic are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to demonstrate existing achievements and identify further trends in this field of knowledge.
The review article must contain at least 25 references.
The journal may also publish reviews of monographs, textbooks, manuals and other publications on legal and security issues.
3.3. Title Requirements
The title of the article should correspond to its content, consist of no more than 10 words, should not contain abbreviations, except (if necessary) generally accepted.
Technical requirements: Times New Roman font, 14 points, center alignment, capital letters, bold.
3.4. Requirements for the Author’s Information
Information about the authors is:
- first name, patronymic, last name (in full);
- scientific degree, academic title (if any);
- place of work (organization in full), name of the unit (department, laboratory, unit, etc.); the position is not indicated;
- ORCID (register);
- e-mail of the author as a contact person.
These elements are repeated for each author (as they should be specified in the publication).
Technical requirements: left-aligned, capital letters, bold.
3.5. Abstract Requirements
In general, the abstract should be descriptive, including the purpose of the work, the characteristics of the article, its results and the conclusions drawn from the results of the study.
The presentation of the material in the annotation should be concise and accurate, informative, meaningful, structured. The text should use syntactic constructions inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complex grammatical constructions, use standardized terminology. It is necessary to adhere to the unity of terminology within the annotation.
Abbreviations and symbols, in addition to those commonly used in scientific and technical texts, are used in exceptional cases or give their definition when first used.
In the case where the annotations are prepared with gross violations of the established requirements, the publication of research results may be delayed by the editorial board until the author eliminates the violations, which he is notified in writing or orally immediately after their detection.
Language and volume of abstract. The annotation is submitted at the beginning of the article in the language of publication for further translation by the editorial staff in English (if the language of publication is Ukrainian) or in Ukrainian (if the language of publication is English). The volume of the annotation should be 250-300 words.
The text of the annotation should be written in Times New Roman font, 14 points, spacing - 1.5.
Key words. At the end of each annotation, the keywords are given in the appropriate language. A keyword is a word or a stable phrase, which from the point of view of information retrieval carries a semantic load and describes the topic of the article. The set of keywords should reflect the main content of the scientific work; they must be specific in their subject area, meaningful and unique. The number of keywords is from 5 to 8. Keywords are given in the nominative case, printed in a line through a comma. Abbreviations should be avoided (only common abbreviations are allowed), as keywords will be used for indexing. Keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 14 points, comma.
Regardless of the type of article, it must contain mandatory structural elements.
INTRODUCTION. The introduction describes the relevance of the study, the problem in general and its relationship with important scientific or practical tasks, substantiates the novelty of the study through the degree of elaboration of the problem based on the analysis of the literature with mandatory consideration of recent publications in which initiated or continued problem solving, with the separation of previously unresolved parts.
The introduction should present the specific research problem to which the article is devoted. The author (s) should understand that a good introduction should summarize the relevant arguments, data and facts to give the reader a clear idea of the relevance and importance for the scientific community of the research subject.
This section also explains the background or reasons that motivate the author (s) to explore the chosen topic. The introduction should not exceed 20% of the main text of the article.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH. The author (s) should clearly state the purpose of the article, taking into account which it is necessary to clearly define the tasks to be addressed in the article. The purpose of the study can not be the study itself, it must indicate the achievement of a certain scientific result that will be obtained in the research process.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. This section should be written clearly and concisely, as it provides information on the methods, tools and materials used in the research process. This description allows the reader to assess the feasibility of the methods used, as well as the reliability of the results. The author (s) should not just list the methods used, but describe the purpose for which they were used.
RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. This part presents theoretical data, substantiates new approaches in understanding the material and a new solution to the problem, which is a significant shift compared to previous studies.
In this section, the author (s) need to explain the important points of their results so that there is relevance to the discussion. The analysis of the researched problems should be clear and comprehensive. It is expedient to strengthen one's own statements with the help of statistical data and case law, which will additionally confirm the use of a wide range of methods for collecting analytical information. If the results contain the form of tables, graphs, verbal descriptions or a combination thereof, they should not be too long and too large.
The discussion should be enriched with references to the results of previous studies that have been published in the scientific literature.
The results of the research and discussion must be at least 60% of the entire manuscript.
CONCLUSIONS. Conclusions should be organically linked to the title, purpose and objectives of the study (the main results of the study should be reflected). This section should be comprehensively summarized, especially in terms of critical evaluation by the author (s) of the study results. Conclusions are not just a re-presentation of data or facts, but a summary of the key points of the issue and provide appropriate ways to solve it. Also in the conclusions it is expedient to give prospects of further researches on the investigated problems.
Technical requirements: Times New Roman font, 14 point, capital letters in bold.
When writing an article, reference to the sources used is mandatory. Such links must comply with the anti-plagiarism policy and be in accordance with the APA style.
References in the article are provided in parentheses, for example: for one author - (Kuzmovich, 2017); for two authors - (Kuzmovich, Popovich, 2017); for three authors - (Kuzmovich, Popovich, Alexandrovich, 2017). If there are more than three authors, then only the first author is indicated, for example (Kuzmovich et al., 2017).
If the author (s) is mentioned in the text of the article, the link is made as follows: As noted by Ye. O. Kuzmovich (2017), the rule of law is… or In 2017, the famous lawyer E. O. Kuzmovich noted that the rule of law is …
If the reference mentioned in the manuscript is a direct quotation or a specific fact, it is necessary to indicate the page number, for example: In the scientific literature, the rule of law is defined as… (Kuzmovich, 2017, p. 6) or As noted by EO Kuzmovich (2017, p. 6). ), the rule of law is…
It is recommended to use more indirect quotes than direct ones.
If the linked article has a digital ID (, you must specify it.
If the article is written in Ukrainian, References are added, which are submitted in English (according to the 6th edition of the APA style). When drawing up References, the author (s) must refer to the original source, which will provide a correct bibliographic description of the relevant source.
You can make a bibliographic description in accordance with the APA style on the sites of automatic link formation:;
Legislation and regulations should be given in footnotes, they are not included in the general list of bibliographic references.
The sources cited by the author (s) should be relevant to the topic of the article, be relevant, reflect the awareness of the author (s) in the results of recent research in the chosen field. At least 80% of the scientific sources used must be published in the last 5 years, except for manuscripts of historical or comparative direction.
It is recommended to use at least 15 sources for original articles, and at least 25 for review articles.
References to sources indexed by the international scientometric databases Web of Science or Scopus (20% of the total list of used sources) are mandatory.
The correct description of the sources used in the lists of bibliographic references is a guarantee that the cited work will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activity of its author (s), organization, country. We also want the right citations to determine not only the contribution of a particular author to research, but also the scientific level of our journal, its credibility, and so on.
Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs or Visn. Hark. nac. univ. vnutr. Sprav (any year). Translitted previous titles: Visnyk Universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav, Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav.
Law and Safety – Law and Safety or Pravo Bezpeka (up to 2018), Pravo bezpeka (from 2018).
Bulletin of the Criminological Association of Ukraine – Bulletin of Criminological Association of Ukraine or Vìsn. Krimìnol. asoc. Ukr. (any year). Translitted title: Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy.
Forum prava (any year) – Forum prava – Forum of law.
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Attention! The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, the citations used, and the list of sources used.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject submitted manuscripts that do not meet the program objectives of the publication, contain plagiarism, as well as return the materials to the authors to correct errors and revisions, shorten and edit the submitted texts.
ISSN 1727-1584 (Print)
ISSN 2617-2933 (Online)
Law and Safety
Other Editions of the Founder
This jornal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 2002-2025.
The copyright for scientific publications belongs to the authors.