Perspectives for the Use of Modern Means of Photography and Video Recording during the Investigation of Crimes

Keywords: means of photo-, video recording, crime investigation, action cameras, endoscopes


Perspectives for the use of modern means of photography and video recording within forensic activities have been studied. It has been indicated that photo and video equipment is rapidly becoming obsolete and losing its relevance, so we should use the latest tools based on digital technologies for more effective recording of investigative (search) actions.

The technical characteristics of such modern technical means as action cameras and endoscopes have been analyzed. Action cameras have been studied as digital devices that can significantly expand the possibilities of photo and video recording of the course of investigative (search) actions, as well as some types of forensic research. Extensive possibilities of using action cameras within investigative practice during investigative (search) actions allow to reproduce the movements, facial expressions, gestures of persons (during interrogation and simultaneous interrogation of two or more persons) with high accuracy; allow to display not only static, but also dynamic situation (crime scene search, search, presentation for identification, investigative experiment), and also provide many other advantages.The use of endoscopes in forensic activities will solve the problem not only of fixation, but also the search for evidence in difficult conditions (in ventilation ducts, pipes, hidden places of bathrooms, built-in furniture). The waterproofness of the endoscope allows us to use it for underwater inspection (in a well, pond, aquarium). The effectiveness of the endoscope is unquestionable in studying internal structure of the weapon, the overlap of the walls and in many other cases, when penetration into hard-to-reach places is required during the expert examination.


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Author Biographies

S. I. Perlin, Kharkiv Research the Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Candidate (Ph.D.) of Juridical Sciences.

S. M. Lozova, Kharkiv Research the Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Department ensuring the activities (leading specialist in the scientific work);
Candidate (Ph.D.) of Psychological Sciences, Docent.


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How to Cite
Perlin, S. I. and Lozova, S. M. (2020) “Perspectives for the Use of Modern Means of Photography and Video Recording during the Investigation of Crimes”, Law and Safety, 78(3), pp. 103-108. doi: 10.32631/pb.2020.3.13.