Administrative and Legal Status of Canine Units of the National Police of Ukraine: Essence and Content
The scientific article is focused on the coverage of scientific approaches to understanding such concepts as “legal status”, “administrative and legal status”, “administrative and legal status of canine units of the National Police of Ukraine”, resulting in the provision of characteristics of the administrative and legal status of canine units of the National Police of Ukraine.
The elemental composition has been characterized in order to determine the administrative and legal status of canine units of the National Police of Ukraine. Accordingly, the elements have been grouped into three groups, which are based on the administrative and legal status of canine units of the National Police, namely: 1) the target-oriented group of elements that defines the goals, objectives and functions of the canine unit of the National Police of Ukraine; 2) organizational and structural group that reflects the structure and functional subordination of the canine unit of the National Police of Ukraine; 3) the competence group, which reflects the powers of the canine unit of the National Police of Ukraine.
It has been determined that the administrative and legal status of canine units of the National Police of Ukraine should be understood as a set of interrelated elements defined by administrative and legal norms, due to which canine units of the National Police of Ukraine exercise powers on keeping public safety and order, protecting human rights and freedoms, as well as on combating crime.
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