Characteristics of certain types of control over the activities of higher educational institutions of Ukraine
The types of control over the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine have been studied and generalized. The concept of "type of control" and "form of control" have been distinguished. The essence and features of the procedure of state control over the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine depending on its type have been described, the classification of types of control has been carried out and shortcomings outlined.
The practical cases of violation of the current legislation in the field of control over the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine have been studied, and as a result state coercive measures that can be applied to entities that violate current legislation have been reflected.
The practical orientation of control over higher education institutions has been studied and the classification "depending on the subjects exercising control" has been determined. Based on these conclusions, it has been proposed to amend the current regulations that provide for the control procedure.
Various forms and methods of the educational process in higher education institutions have been analyzed, which provide an opportunity to study in more detail such a form of control over higher education institutions as control over educational activities. Entities exercising this type of control have also been considered.
The existing practices of dividing control into certain types have been considered. The current legislation in this area has been analyzed, the powers of the entities that exercise state control over the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine have been outlined. The views of various scholars on the concepts of "supervision" and "control" have been considered. It has been concluded that it is necessary to distinguish between these concepts.
It has been proposed own classification of control types over the activities of higher education institutions according to various criteria, and stressed the need to supplement the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" with a separate section entitled "Control over the activities of higher education institutions of Ukraine", which should define its concepts, principles, general requirements its implementation, types and forms, the system of entities that implement it and their powers.
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