• O. O. Babenko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: emotional intelligence, stress resistance, psychological resource, professions of legal types


The main approaches to definition of the concept of resources and resourcefulness of a person, as well as directions of research of emotional intelligence have been considered. Emotional intelligence has been studied as an important constituent element of resourcefulness of an individual, as a predictor of successful professional and social adaptation. The main elements of the influence of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence on the effective self-realization of an individual and its adaptation to the difficult conditions of professional and personal interaction have been characterized. The content of the concepts of “sociological type of profession”, “emotional intelligence”, “stress resistance”, “resourcefulness of a personality” and “sanogenic thinking” have been found out; and the importance of such a mechanism of thinking has been emphasized. It has been noted that for representatives of legal professions the adequacy of emotional evaluation of the situation and the correspondence of the emotional reaction are the most important factors that determine the professional emotional and volitional reliability, which is an indicator of the “professional norm”.

It has been emphasized that attention should be paid to the further study of the influence of emotional intelligence on the professional formation of the representatives of professions of legal types and enhancement of the level of emotional intelligence for the effective performance of professional duties, preservation of their own health and improving psychological culture of society in the whole.


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How to Cite
Babenko, O. O. (2018) “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE RESOURCE COMPOSITION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF PROFESSIONS OF LEGAL TYPES”, Law and Safety, 66(3), pp. 121-125. Available at: https://pb.univd.edu.ua/index.php/PB/article/view/87 (Accessed: 29March2025).