Constitutionalization of the strategic course of Ukraine within the doctrine of legal liability of the state

Keywords: strategic course of the state, integration towards Europe, legal liability of the state, amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, constitutional reform.


The article is focused on studying the problems of constitutional consolidation of the strategic course of Ukraine. It is analyzed through the prism of the doctrine of legal liability of the state. It has been concluded that the idea of admitting the strategic course of Ukrainian state needs the constitutionalization. This will contribute to the content development and normative absolutism of the legal liability of the state as a key element of the institutional provision of a law-governed state, as Ukraine is proclaimed to be.

On the author’s opinion, the method of establishing such a course in the Constitution of Ukraine, suggested in the Draft Law No. 9037, through the consolidation of new powers for the supreme agencies of state power of a temporary nature in the basic Sections of the Constitution of Ukraine, can not be regarded as optimal, both from the conceptual and technically legal points of view.

The author has substantiated that the issues of constitutional and law-making innovations in determining the strategic course of Ukraine for acquiring the membership in the EU and NATO will require increased attention from the Ukrainian parliament. In case of adopting the idea of establishing such a course, appropriate amendments to the Section I of the Constitution of Ukraine, should be approved at the All-Ukrainian referendum, which should add to the constitutionalization of the above-mentioned course of the highest level of legitimacy.


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Author Biography

O. S. Bakumov, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.)


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How to Cite
Bakumov, O. S. (2018) “Constitutionalization of the strategic course of Ukraine within the doctrine of legal liability of the state”, Law and Safety, 71(4), pp. 13-21. doi: 10.32631/pb.2018.4.01.