The main stages of the constitutional process in Ukraine in the period of the Ukrainian Central Rada have been studied. The history of the development and adoption of the Constitution of Ukrainian People’s Republic has been highlighted. Its content has been analyzed. The author has demonstrated the differences in scholars’ estimations of the Basic Law of UPR that is explained by different approaches and criteria to determine its nature and significance. It has been concluded that although the Constitution of UPR was adopted on the last day of existence of the Central Rada and did not act any single day, it can not diminish its significance in the history of the national revolutionary constitutionalism. The text of the Basic Law not only took into account the best achievements of the world and national and legal thought, but according to the level of democracy exceeded all contemporary constitutions in many aspects. It was not worse than the current the Basic Laws by the level of legal culture and legal technology. Having established the democracy through the legislative agency and declared a parliamentary republic with democratic governments (three branches) and management, the Constitution provided the features of a legal state to UPR. As the current Constitution of Ukraine, the Basic Law of 1918 also declared the territory of Ukrainian People’s Republic as united and integral. Development and adoption of the Constitution of UPR were important stages in Ukrainian constitutionalism, which created the basis for future legislative activity.
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