Retrospective of legislation on the acquisition (purchase) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity
The purpose of the article is to analyze and thoroughly study the special legal literature and the legal and regulatory framework for the emergence and gradual formation of legislation in the field of obtaining (purchasing) wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity.
The importance of the scientific article is indisputable, since the question of the formation and development of the legislative framework, through which becomes possible regulation of environmental relations in the field of acquisition (acquisition) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity, is a complex historical and legal phenomenon, that has its own periodization.
In the scientific work the author objectively and thoroughly investigates the history of the process of formation, formation and formation of environmental legislation in the field of obtaining (purchasing) wild animals for the purpose of keeping and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity.
The author’s point of view is fair, according to which in Ukraine there is currently no effective system of normative legal acts, that ensure the proper regulation of the use and protection of wild animals, that are in a semi-free condition or in captivity. At the same time in order to preserve the diversity of wildlife and successfully restore their numbers it is necessary to have an effective and reliable national legal system, ecological and legal norms and regulations that would regulate the legal regime of wild animals in semi-free conditions or in captivity.
The key point is the author’s position, that the formation of a retrospective of legislation in the field of acquisition (purchase) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity should be divided into four main periods: the ancient period, medieval period, the period of the influence of tsarist Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on Ukrainian lands and the period of formation and development of legislation within the Soviet Union. In the conclusions the author summarizes the analysis of the development of environmental legislation in the field of acquisition (purchase) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity.
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