Psychological components of police care as a factor of guaranteeing public safety
The application of police care as a completely new measure for Ukraine has been analyzed. This measure appeared on the list of preventive police measures (c. 11, Part 1 of the Art. 31), as soon as the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” came into force.
It has been substantiated that the research of police care is significant not only in the context of developing the mechanism of this measure, but also in the context of the problems of close cooperation and interaction of police agencies with citizens, territorial communities and public institutions on the principles of partnership and focus on addressing their needs, in particular, to ensure public safety.
The analysis of existing research of the concept, content and significance of public safety and order has been carried out. It has been concluded that the term “public order and safety” is not legally defined at present time, but the analysis of regulatory acts and different views of scholars testifies to the homogeneity of the notions of “public order and safety” and “public policy and safety”.
It has been stressed that the implementation of this preventive measure by the police is impossible without understanding the psychological aspect of this issue and taking into account the psychological state of a police officer. One of the most important components of this process, in the opinion of the author, is the observance of general rules of communication; a police officer during the communication with people also must comply with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine.
It has been noted that although the content of the minutes on the use of police care is provided in Part 4 of the Art. 41 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, but in practice there are a lot of questions regarding this matter, therefore its appropriate form should be approved. We offer to authorize a patrol police officer or a community police officer to have the right to execute a process-verbal.
It has been concluded that the resolution of stated issues will contribute to the clear and effective implementation of the norms of the current legislation by the staff of the National Police. The deeper study of the issues of psychological components of both police care, and other preventive police measures has been defined as a perspective area.
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