Some problems of investigating street fraud and the ways to solve them
The subjects of the study are the problems that arise at the initial stage of the investigation of street fraud, the study is the individual problems of pre-trial investigation of street fraud and the ways of their solution. The study aims to highlight the most common problems in practice at the initial stage of the investigation of this group of fraud, and presents recommendations for their solution.
In the course of time, general scientific methods of cognition were used. The relevance of the research topic is that the main problems of investigators arise at the stage of the decision to open criminal proceedings. Difficulties are related to the fact that the investigator needs to take a key procedural decision based on the analysis of very limited information about the event.
In addition, in the context of open criminal proceedings, it is very difficult to form a system of evidence of the existence of a criminal intention in the actions of a fraudsters. Indeed, unlike other crimes, they are reflected not so much in material traces as in acts of intellectual nature: the reporting of false information, the use of fictitious documents, specific attributes, and many others. Gathering evidence of such an order requires an extraordinary level of professionalism. The investigator should not only have a high level of knowledge of the existing criminal and criminal procedural legislation, but also be aware of ways to overcome the main difficulties encountered in criminal proceedings on fraud. The novelty of the results is that the research in this direction was conducted for the first time. The main results of the study are given a number of typical problems of investigation of street fraud, as well as recommendations for their overcoming.
The results of the study can be used in the field of the criminal law cycle. The practical significance lies in the possibility of introducing the results of the research into the educational process in the presentation of the discipline “The method of investigation of crimes”, special courses, as well as in raising the skills of practical police officers.
As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn in the form of concrete proposals for addressing typical problems arising in the investigation of street fraud.
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