Job Description of Community Police Officers of the National Police of Ukraine
The authors have studied the problems of theoretical principles and methodical tools of carrying out professional research at the National Police of Ukraine, in particular, the issue of developing a job description of community police officers. It has been demonstrated that job descriptions represent a complete description of the specifics of a particular profession, they reveal the content of professional work, as well as the requirements that a profession brings to a person; this is a document that provides a comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive description of the objective characteristics of the profession and the totality of its requirements to individual and psychological features of a man. An important part of the job description is a psychic profile containing a complete description of the actual psychological characteristics and professionally important personal qualities of specialists.
Theoretical bases and structure of the experimental process of professional research have been provided; the possibilities of using some of its methods and means for the development of a modern professional profile of community police officers have been revealed. It has been emphasized that scientifically substantiated professional research of professional police activity will create favorable conditions for increasing the efficiency of professional selection of personnel and appointment of police officers, will promote more efficient use of personnel potential of police units, enable improvement of training, retraining and professional development of police officers, rationalization of working conditions, reduction of morbidity, etc.
Based on a broad pilot study involving police officers from 25 regions of the state, the authors have established a list of the main professional qualities of community police officer, have defined qualitative and quantitative psychological and psycho-physiological indicators recommended for professional activity, the authors have also established psychological and psycho-physiological contraindications to the professional activity of community police officers.
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Copyright (c) 2019 V. I. Barko, V. V. Barko

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