Law Enforcement Activity of the National Guard of Ukraine on Ensuring Public Security and Order: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
The author has studied the content of normative and legal acts regulating public relations in the field of ensuring public security and order by the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU). The author has paid direct attention to theoretical bases of the concept of “public security” and “public order”. Relevant problems of ensuring public security and order by the NGU have been described; specific ways of eliminating legal and organizational problems of such provision have been suggested.
It has been established that the problems of ensuring public security and order by the NGU have normative and legal and organizational nature. According to the author, the elimination of the described problems can be ensured by: the formation of a single standard for ensuring public security and order, in particular by means of a unified approach to assignment and, accordingly, implementation of measures in the field of ensuring public security and order (in the present circumstances, it is quite justified to consider the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” as the basis for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of keeping public security and order). The consequences should be the delineation of the NGU’s area of competence for ensuring public security and order, and eliminating contradictions between the laws of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine” and “On the National Police” and amending administrative and tort legislation and the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine”. To address organizational issues, it is advisable to strengthen the legal training of the NGU military personnel, in particular in the field of administrative law and procedure, tactical and communicative training; to provide the necessary logistics, including the equipment of the NGU employees, with the means of external identification (badges indicating the special token number).
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