Administrative and Legal Status of Law Enforcement Agencies as Subjects of Interaction with Financial Institutions in the Sphere of Combating the Legalization of Criminal Proceeds
The author has studied administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies, which are the subjects of interaction with financial institutions in the field of combating the legalization of criminal proceeds. The contents of such categories as status, legal status, administrative and legal status have been clarified. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the author has determined that the rights and responsibilities are integral structural elements of the administrative and legal status. It has been noted that two main approaches to determining the structural elements of the administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies were formed in administrative law science.
The author has provided the list of law enforcement agencies that are empowered to counter the legalization of criminal proceeds and are subjects of interaction with financial institutions. Such agencies are the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the agencies of the Security Service, the National Police and Prosecutor’s Office, the State Bureau of Investigation, the tax police units of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The necessity to distinguish only such elements of the administrative and legal status of law enforcement agencies as the purpose, tasks, functions, competence, powers, legal responsibility, as well as organizational structure has been proved.
The purpose of the activity of law enforcement agencies in this field has been formulated. Only those tasks and functions of law enforcement agencies that contribute to the achievement of the stated purpose have been considered. It has been emphasized that the competence is the sphere of activity of a certain law enforcement agency, and the authority is the totality of the rights and duties of that agency, granted by the legislation to perform the assigned functions within the competence. It has been established that the employees of the designated law enforcement agencies have disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal liability. It has been stated that structural units facilitate the implementation of the tasks and functions of a specific law enforcement agency. The author has provided the definition of the administrative and legal status of the subjects that cooperate in the sphere of combating the legalization of criminal proceeds. The place and role of the indicated subjects in the sphere of combating the legalization of criminal proceeds have been determined.
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