International Experience of Legal Regulation of Social Vacations
The author of the article has studied international and legal acts that envisage the norms that provide social vacations for employees. The author has analyzed experience of legal regulation of social vacations in the USA, the countries of the European Union, the countries of the former Soviet Union, etc.
It has been noted that the current period of development of the state and society makes new demands on the socialization of labor legislation, especially for employees with family responsibilities, taking into account the positive international experience. It is very important aspect of the welfare state, society must provide such persons with certain social protection and assistance, as well as labor benefits in connection with the responsibilities of raising children and other circumstances, because employees with family responsibilities have the possibility to combine their professional activities with family responsibilities without the damage for their own health, the interests of children and society. Social protection in a modern democratically organized society is the sphere of intersection of vital interests of citizens related to the realization of their socio-economic rights. It is the sphere of reflection of such universal values as equality, social justice, humanism and other moral principles of civilized society. Proper realization of the right to social protection helps to increase the individual status of a person and further the development of democratic principles of society.
Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the positive international experience in the legal regulation of social vacations in the period of reforming the labor legislation of Ukraine. The author of the article has provided scientifically substantiated conclusions on the borrowing positive international experience of legal regulation of social vacations and implementing into national legislation.
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