Features of interrogation of minors who are victims of violence
The main provisions on the organization and conduction of interrogation of minors who are victims of violence have been revealed. The concept of physical, sexual and psychological violence against a child has been studied. The features of interrogation of minors who are victims of violence and their significance in criminal proceedings have been theoretically analyzed. The author has determined the subject matter, object and tasks of interrogation of minors and features of the impact of violence on the development of a child and evidence provided by this child.
Despite the large number of works focused on the study of various aspects of minors participation in different investigative actions, the legal and psychological literature does not sufficiently describe the psychological features of the interrogation of minors and does not fully analyze the factors that may affect the juvenile’s testimony while conducting such an investigative action as the interrogation.
The author has emphasized the expediency of conducting investigative (search) actions against children, based on the principles of child-friendly justice (participation of the child, ensuring the best interests of the child, dignity, protection against discrimination, rule of law).
The author has analyzed the algorithm of interrogation of a child based on the use of the following formula: “safe place + safe adult = safe child”; has provided recommendations to take into account the psychological and organizational features of different phases of the child’s interviewing; formulation of questions for minors who are victims of violence according to age and their psycho-emotional state. Examples of formulating the questions during the interviewing of children of preschool, primary school and adolescence age have been provided.
It has been noted that consideration of the described psychological features during the interrogation (interviewing) of children who are victims of violence, will reduce the protective mechanisms of the psyche, minimize re-traumatization of the child and increase the effectiveness of the interrogation.
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Copyright (c) 2020 N. E. Miloradova, N. A. Pashko

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