DN Testing as a Branch of Forensic Technology: Problems of Formation and Directions of Development
The authors of the article have studied the problems and perspectives of the formation of specific branch of forensic technology, which is devoted to DNA analysis in order to solve the tasks arising in criminal proceeding. Particular attention has been paid to the lack of a corresponding component in the domestic system of forensic technology, unlike the forensic science of foreign countries. The necessity of development of forensic DNA analysis as an independent branch of forensic technology has been argued. It is confirmed by the following main arguments: the methodology of this field of research is based on the theory of forensic identification; its objects are traces of human and other living organisms; DNA analysis technologies are developed using the achievements of different sciences and adapted to solve problems of crime detection and investigation; they are aimed to ensuring the activities of law enforcement agencies in counteracting crime; the scope of DNA analysis application in crime combating should not be limited to forensic activities; legislative regulation of collecting and using personal genetic data is essential; DNA analysis technologies in terms of practical significance and fundamental scientific basis exceed all other branches of forensic technology. The authors have offered to define forensic DNA analysis as the branch of forensic technology that studies individual genetic characteristics of living organisms contained in their DNA, in order to identify them and solve diagnostic tasks in the detection and investigation of criminal offenses. Its structure has been determined. The authors have provided perspective development directions of forensic DNA analysis: ensuring the appropriate state of legislative regulation of relations in the field of selection and use of personal genetic information; implementation of effective means and methods of detection and removal of biological traces and samples; improvement of methods of forensic DNA testing; formation of recommendations concerning the peculiarities of using DNA analysis results for proving; development of the latest technologies of forensic DNA analysis.
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