Keywords: juvenile prevention, job description, psychic profile, reformation of law enforcement system, prevention of offenses.


The author has presented the results of research on the creation of job description of an officer of juvenile prevention unit in the context of successful mastering the profession and further professional development. It has been determined that the job research is socially variable and not enough studied area in the activities of the police, and its development in terms of a transformational society is a significant contribution into improving the professional activities of police officers, into the selection and recruitment system.

It has been emphasized that successful reformation of law enforcement system is impossible without implementing new ways and directions of increasing the effectiveness of the selection and recruitment process for juvenile prevention, one of which is the comprehensive development of job description of an officer, the development of a model of compliance with the requirements of the profession at the time of recruitment, improvement of methods of effective and adequate diagnostics of a personality.

The suggested in the article theoretical model of job description is the step in bringing the requirements of professional activity of the officers of juvenile prevention units into line with the presence of certain formed psychological properties, processes and entities (knowledge, skills, competences), which will allow to analyze in the future professional and psychological training of such officers to be ready to operate; to detect their compliance with the requirements of the profession, as well as to develop psychological recommendations for psychologists to retrain such officers.


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How to Cite
Kostenko, Y. V. (2018) “JOB DESCRIPTION OF AN OFFICER OF JUVENILE PREVENTION”, Law and Safety, 67(4), pp. 187-192. Available at: (Accessed: 26March2025).