The author has provided the results of the study of international countries’ legislation regulating the use of firearms by the police. Various positions of specialists in the field of law have attracted the author’s attention. Thus, scholars within administrative law consider the use of firearms by the police as an administrative compulsion. Others believe that the use of firearms by the police is a criminal and legal measure, since it is aimed at neutralizing a criminal rather than an administrative offense.
It has been noted that the police service is a part of extreme occupations, the police themselves constitute a high-risk group, and this is due to a large number of stress factors.
Due to the results of the analysis of the causes of police officers’ deaths in different regions of the world, the problem of high level of mortality and traumatism occupies the special place within police activities. The results of the author’s correlation analysis confirmed that crime is one of the factors that directly affect the deaths of police officers and offenders.
Some aspects of fire fighting between police officers and armed criminals have been considered. It has been emphasized that the use of firearms causes high level of psychological traumatization of police personnel. This is due to the pathogenic effects of extreme stressors and the psycho-traumatic consequences of the use of weapons.
In order to reduce psychological trauma and sanitary losses among police personnel after the use of department-issued sidearm, the author has offered a compulsory conduction of a complex of emergency special measures of psychological, medical and pharmacological nature; to eliminate the negative consequences of using firearms, the author also considers it important to conduct a special debriefing for this category of police officers.
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