Interpretation of Legal terminology by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
The basic principles of the activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine have been determined. The author during the analysis of scientific issues has paid attention to the practice of using the terms in regulatory acts. The subject matter of official interpretation has been defined within the research. The author has emphasized the main problems of the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the term while using it within the system of regulatory acts. The ways to overcome mistakes and misunderstandings within the application of regulatory acts related to the ambiguous approach to understanding legal terminology have been indicated.
The essence of the official interpretation applied by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has been determined. Generic classification of the official interpretation used within the work of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has been carried out – it is divided into casual and normative. The comprehensive analysis has been carried out; the author has determined the definitions and has studied specific and distinctive features of casual and normative interpretation. It has been emphasized that the official interpretation carried out by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine does not change the content of the term, but, on the contrary, the interpretation assists to clarify its true content. This allows us to unambiguously use this term during the implementation of law norms and to avoid misunderstandings.
It has been concluded that the interpretation of legal terminology by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine should be understood as intellectual activity of judges aimed at clarifying the true content of the term, which is found in regulatory acts, for clear and unambiguous application in the future. It has been also emphasized that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine while interpreting legal terminology applies a normative interpretation, which has a general effect, i.e. it is applied to an indefinite number of persons and unlimited number of cases and is characterized by state obligation.
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