Regulatory and legal component of Ukrainian-European cooperation in the field of protection and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine
The regulatory and legal component of Ukrainian-European cooperation in the field of protection and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine is studied. The EU-wide regulatory and legal base of cooperation framework is analyzed, which is determined by the international legal documents ratified by Ukraine. In particular, such documents include: European Cultural Convention, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Self-expression, Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage, Convention for the Protection of Architectural Heritage, Convention on the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe, Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Importance of Cultural Heritage for Society, Council of Europe Convention on Offenses Relating to Cultural Property. Ukraine’s ratification of these European conventions was Ukraine’s first step towards the development of cooperation with the member states of the European Union in the field of protection of tangible cultural heritage.
The main treaties between Ukraine and some European countries in the field of protection and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine are considered. This group of researched documents includes agreements with Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, etc.
As a result of the research, it was concluded that the normative and legal component of Ukrainian-European cooperation in the field of protection and preservation of historical and cultural heritage is undergoing an active phase of its creation. Today it is expedient to improve the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of cultural heritage facilities in the direction of strengthening their protection and preservation based on international norms and examples of cooperation between European countries and Ukraine. It will improve and intensify Ukrainian-European cooperation on the research topic and bring Ukrainian law into compliance with the norms of international law.
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Copyright (c) 2020 L. L. Honcharenko, K. V. Balan

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