Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR on Combating Economic Crime in the Middle of 1950s
The relevance of the research topic is due to theoretical and practical significance of the problems of combating economic crime in modern conditions. In this regard, the issue of the effectiveness of the modernized police in accordance with the new tasks is of great importance. The original experience of combating economic crime was gained in previous years, but especially specific in this case were the 1950s, when there was departure from Stalin’s criminal policy, when the liberalization of the political regime and economic reforms began. In general, the country had a new political and economic situation. Various perpetrators also tried to take advantage of this, so the fight against both criminal and economic crime continued to be relevant in the new conditions. This topic is not enough studied in the historical and legal literature.
Economic crime has been studied in the article in the sense that it was exactly in the specified historical period. For the first time in the historical and legal literature we studied the activities of the police to combat economic crime in the middle of 1950s, demonstrated certain achievements and shortcomings in this work, its management by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR. The historical and legal analysis of the normative acts regulating the work of militia in the specified sphere has been carried out. New archival documents have been introduced into scientific circulation, which made it possible to expand and deepen the scientific understanding of police activities during this period, to give it greater objectivity and reliability.
The main attention has been paid to the fight against economic crime by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR; the author has demonstrated the shortcomings observed by the Ministry in this work, the ways to overcome them. It has been emphasized that the analysis of these phenomena by the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not always in-depth; there were repetitions and superficial judgments. The data characterizing the state of economic crime in the Republic in 1954-1955 has been provided.
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