On Determining the Concept of “Disciplinary Liability of Police Officers”
The essence of legal liability in labor law has been clarified. Scientific approaches to the definition of “disciplinary liability” have been studied. The purpose of disciplinary liability of employees has been defined. The author has studied the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine” regarding the procedure for applying disciplinary liability to police officers.
Features of disciplinary liability of police officers have been determined. First of all, disciplinary liability of police officers is a type of special disciplinary liability. Secondly, only a police officer is subject to disciplinary action. Thirdly, disciplinary sanctions are applied by managers at various levels to the relevant regulatory defined range of police officers. Fourth, the purpose of disciplinary liability of police officers is to ensure the compliance with police service discipline, to prevent from committing disciplinary offenses by police officers, to educate police officers’ conscious attitude to the service, to create the necessary conditions for effective operation of police units. Fifth, disciplinary offense is the basis for applying disciplinary liability to police officers. Sixth, the occurrence of negative consequences, which are manifested in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions provided by the Law of Ukraine “On the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine”.
The author has suggested own definition of the term of “disciplinary liability of police officers”, which means the application of disciplinary sanctions under the Law of Ukraine “On the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine” to a police officer who has committed a disciplinary offense.
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