Legal Regulation of Spreading Opinions and Beliefs through TV Broadcasting
The research is focused on the problems of legal regulation of spreading opinions and beliefs through TV broadcasting. The scientific novelty of the research consists of the provisions on the need to amend the legislation on establishing the procedure for inspection and monitoring of television organizations by the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting. The author has studied legislative acts regulating the activity of mass media and works of scholars, where the peculiarities of the legal status of television organizations are covered.
It has been stated that the constitutional right to free expression of one’s opinions and beliefs can be exercised through TV broadcasting. The legal basis for the activities of television organizations has been determined. The legal principles for the activities of journalists of television organizations have been clarified. Forms of disseminating one’s own views through television have been established. It has been emphasized that the creation of one’s own television organization by a citizen or a legal entity is the first way to spread opinions and beliefs. The participation of well-known politicians or public figures in television programs has been recognized as a separate form of disseminating the relevant concepts to a wide audience. At the same time, broadcasting an interview given by a well-known public or political figure to the TV channel’s journalists is an important method of disseminating the relevant information.
Legal restrictions on the dissemination of certain information by television have been defined. It has been stated that the right to information may be limited by law in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public morality. The general characteristics of monitoring and supervisory powers of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting have been provided. The author has formulated propositions for amending the current legislation regulating the activities of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting.
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Copyright (c) 2021 S. A. Kucher

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