• O. V. Lehka Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: administrative liability, forms of consolidation, sources of law, legal regulation, international standard.


The author has researched the concept and forms of consolidation of international standards in the field of administrative liability; has analyzed international regulatory acts and has carried out their classification according to the sphere of administrative liability. It has been substantiated that each branch of law is characterized by a special, own system of sources, types of sources of law stem from the very content of social relations, through the specificity of which such a branch of law is allocated and exists. The object of regulation and method directly determine not only the composition and type of the norms of the relevant field of legislation, but also the type, as well as the scope of forms of expressing the law. That is, certain types of law norms, and, consequently, the types of forms of its expression correspond to each branch of law. The features of various social systems, the diversity of forms of state intervention into public relations are clearly determined in this phenomenon. In particular, certain provisions of the institution of administrative liability in the field of administrative law of Ukraine are more regulated in international treaties (declarations, conventions and recommendations).

It has been established that the formation of a new legal space and the change of social priorities lead to the need to research established legal institutions in a new light, more thorough, which create the foundation of the legal system and ensure the proper functioning of legal relations in the country, in particular the institution of administrative liability. It has been proved that the form of consolidation of the norms of international law as a way of giving them an official, compulsory nature, are sources of international law. Due to the specificity of international law and the process of establishing its norms, there is no a legal act recognized by all the subjects of international law that establishes the list of sources of international law and their definition.


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How to Cite
Lehka, O. V. (2018) “FORMS OF CONSOLIDATION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE FIELD OF ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY”, Law and Safety, 67(4), pp. 52-56. Available at: (Accessed: 26March2025).