The most common world crime control models have been analyzed; the role and place of criminal intelligence in their system have been determined. The author has conducted a comparative analysis of such crime control models as: standard, zero tolerance, problem-oriented, dangerous zones, based on intelligence data, prognostic. Each of them has been briefly characterized; it has been established that they reflect the paradigm of police activity. Criminal intelligence institution is most actively used within the framework of crime control model based on intelligence data. Special attention has been paid to the problem of public involvement in police activity.
A retrospective analysis of the implementation of elements of crime control models on the territory of Ukraine has been conducted. It has been established that the implementation of crime control model based on intelligence data involves organizational restructuring of law enforcement agency’s activities. It is achieved not only by creating an intelligence and analytical unit, but by changing the approaches and philosophy of the unit’s activities. In particular, this may be manifested in the re-subordination of operative units to intelligence and analytical ones. The author has determined the main stages of criminal intelligence (task setting; collection; evaluation; processing; analysis; development of conclusions; dissemination). The author has outlined general algorithm of analytics’ work, which consists of three main stages: 1) preparation; 2) analysis; 3) reporting. The author has stressed the importance of the analysis as the central element of criminal intelligence process. Some samples have been provided. The author has studied problem points that may arise during the practical application of crime counteraction models, in particular, based on intelligence data. The emphasis has been paid on the formation and training of personnel that will perform the tasks of criminal intelligence.
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