The research of international guarantees of women rights is of great importance for Ukraine both in terms of the most complete performance of its international and legal obligations under their observance, and in terms of making possible propositions to improve these standards and the formation of effective measures for their implementation at the national level. Therefore, in order to implement international and legal norms into Ukrainian national legislation the author of the article has analyzed international experience of legislative provision of gender equality.
The author has emphasized on the fact that gender equality more or less covers the processes of the reform of national legislations and the practical results are only possible through the establishment of legal equality guaranteeing, appropriate legal mechanisms of legal provision and through the active participation of civil society in these processes. All legal systems were primarily formed due to the great division of labor (increase of its productivity, the creation of excess product and the need of its fixing by certain holders, etc.). Best practices of more or less coherent scheme, structure of directions of implementing the gender principle within the norms of labor law, its compliance in real social relations and determining the measures to improve legal mechanisms of its provision requires the building of a system of views, their general model, the concept of forming the legal mechanism for the compliance with the principle of equal opportunities within the employment relationships, as the best achievements of mankind in the sphere of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens are developed.
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