Features of personal competence of the employees of preventive activity units of the National Police
Personal competence is considered to be the basic characteristic of a person, which allows to predict the behavior of a person in life and professional situations, therefore the purpose of the study was to study the general personal competence and specificity of the social competence of police officers of preventive activity units at different stages of the professional genesis. The methodological grounds for the study were: psychological theory of activity, the concept of genetic development of a person, modern concepts of professional genesis. The obtained results of the research should be used in drawing up programs of psychological support of police officers at different stages of professional development.
The features of general personal competence of police officers of preventive activity units at various stages of professional development have been revealed. Cadets of the first year of study have the lowest levels of self-efficiency and self-management, as they have not adapted to new learning conditions yet and are not well-informed about future professional activities. Cadets of the fourth year of study have purposefulness, greater ability to self-management, seek to use at most their opportunities, acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in practice, but are less autonomous. The most developed component of the personal competence of experienced police officers is the reflexivity and ability to work in the team.
The similarities of effective communication skills, the ability to teach and persuade as components of the overall personal competence of police officers, regardless of the stage of professional genesis have been noted within sample groups.
The author has established the specificity of social competence of police officers of preventive activity units at different stages of professional genesis: the first year cadets have clearly expressed properties that help to accumulate skills and abilities of social actions and contacts in personal experience; fourth-year cadets have developed abilities to solve interpersonal problems and interaction problems; experienced police officers performing their duties have the ability to quickly change their behavior according to the requirements of the situation, have high readiness for social interaction and partnership.
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