The Agencies of the National Police of Ukraine as a Subject of Prevention and Counteraction to Corruption in Ukraine
The author of the article has studied the legal status of the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption. On the basis of the analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation, as well as professional scientific sources, it has been established that the status of such a subject is defined either as “the subject of preventing corruption” or as “the subject of counteracting to corruption”, which does not quite accurately reflect the essence of the activities of the police in this direction. The author has carried out a comparison of legislation defining the legal principles for anti-corruption activities in general, as well as the principles of the police activity of Ukraine as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption in particular. As an example of the activities of the National Police of Ukraine as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption, the author has provided fundamental differences between the categories of “prevention of corruption” and “counteraction to corruption”.
The expediency of using a single legal structure “the subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption” has been substantiated. In this regard, it has been emphasized that the activities of the National Police of Ukraine on preventing and counteracting to corruption are the only, integral area of the implementation of its powers.
It has been clarified that the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine, acting as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption, realize their powers both in internal relations and externally. Due to the analysis of procedural legislation, the author has established the types of corrupt and corruption-related offenses, which should be addressed by the agencies of the National Police as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption. The author’s vision of the essence of the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption has been presented.
The author has determined some shortcomings of the legal regulation of the legal status of the National Police agencies as a subject of prevention and counteraction to corruption. The ways of solving such shortcomings have been offered.
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