The essence and features of the regulatory framework of the National Police of Ukraine
The essence and peculiarities of normative legal regulation of the structure of the National Police of Ukraine have been determined. Based on the analysis of approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "structure" contained in professional sources, the author's vision of the structure of the National Police of Ukraine has been formed. It has been determined that the structure of the National Police of Ukraine is complex and multifaceted, as it contains a significant number of components, taking into account the functional orientation of the structural components of the National Police of Ukraine. A set of normative legal acts has been established and analyzed, on the basis of the provisions of which the normative legal regulation of the structure of the National Police of Ukraine by functional purpose has been carried out. It has been determined that the structural components of the National Police of Ukraine regulated by the current national legislation do not cover all areas of functioning of this central executive body. At the same time, subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine have been identified, the meaning of the functional purpose of which does not correspond to the areas of their activity regulated by normative legal acts. It has been substantiated that as a separate structural component of the National Police of Ukraine it is necessary to define police support units, which should include units of this central executive body, which in general ensure its activities in certain clearly defined areas: personnel, informational analytical, financial support and more. It has been given an approximate list of units of the National Police of Ukraine that should be included in the units of police support as a structural unit of this central executive body according to functional criteria. It is substantiated that as a separate structural component of the National Police of Ukraine should be considered preventive police, the main functional purpose of which is the implementation of preventive policing in relevant areas. It is proposed to define the preventive police as a structural component of the National Police of Ukraine in the prescriptions of the current national legislation of Ukraine instead of the patrol police, and the latter should be included in the preventive police.
Certain normative legal acts and their norms have been identified, which require appropriate changes to increase the effectiveness of normative legal regulations of the structure of the National Police of Ukraine.
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Copyright (c) 2021 V. B. Pchelin, V. Y. Kikinchuk

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