The Influence of Social Intellect on the Features of the Behavior of Cadets Studying at Institutions With Specific Learning Conditions in Frustration and Stress Situations
Professional communication of a police officer often occurs in complicated conditions, frustration and stress. The influence of the factor of “social intelligence” on the features of communication in ordinary conditions of future specialists in the professions “man – man” is actively studied in psychological science. The objective of this study was to summarize empirical data on the interrelationships between social intelligence abilities and behavior patterns in the frustration and stress situation of cadets of higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions.
The following psycho-diagnostic methods were used in this work: J. Guilford’s social intelligence method, S. Rosenzweig’s test, and S. Hofball’s SACS personal questionnaire. Statistical processing of the results was carried out by using the Spearman’s rank correlation criterion. The research was conducted on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. 40 freshmen cadets were surveyed.
It has been clarified that the level of development of social intelligence in general positively influences the behavior of surveyed cadets in a frustration and stress situation. It has been demonstrated that cadets with a higher level of social intelligence are not inclined to react to accuse other people and circumstances (extra-punitive reaction) in a frustration situation. The most marked is the reaction of concentrating on an obstacle and the expectation that someone else should resolve the frustration situation. But some abilities in the surveyed group of cadets that are part of the social intelligence were differently related to the character of the reaction in a frustration situation. In our opinion, this indicates that the domination of certain ability within the structure of social intelligence to some extent determines behavior in a frustration situation.
It has been determined that cadets with a higher level of social intelligence tend to use in the stress situation such a strategy to overcome it as “impulsive actions” and to avoid a manipulative strategy of “indirect actions” and anti-social strategy of “anti-social action”.
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