• A. M. Bolshakova Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
  • T. O. Perevozna Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
  • I. O. Videnieiev Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
  • O. M. Khartsii Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Keywords: specific personality disorders, unlawful behavior, emotional and personal tendencies, method of color choices, self-regulation


It has been noted that the problem of unlawful behavior of an abnormal person remains relevant for many years. Classical is the notion about an abnormal or psychopathic personality as one that is characterized by the disharmony of the development of character traits, the presence of emotional and volitional disorders as the leading features of pathology with the relative adequacy of the cognitive sphere’s functioning. At the same time, the study of the influence of the features of the structural and dynamic characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere of a psychopathic person on the formation of obedient or unlawful behavior of these persons requires further development. In this regard, the authors carried out the research on the relationship of personality-emotional pathology and criminal behavior.

The objective of the study was to identify the features of offenders’ emotional and personal tendencies, who are abnormal individuals, in connection with the mechanisms of forming illegal forms of behavior in them. To identify the features of emotional response, 100 people were examined, who, according to the diagnostic criteria of the ICD-10, were diagnosed of specific personality disorders and brought to criminal liability as a result of their unlawful actions. The research was conducted by using the Color Choices Method. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that persistent individual and emotional reactions of abnormal individuals, their unconscious orientation predetermine the peculiarities of their social behavior, in particular, unlawful, by activating protective and compensatory mechanisms.

It has been demonstrated that the distinctive feature of psychopathic perpetrators is the isolation of the violet color as the most emotionally attractive one. Persistent personal tendencies of the psychopath, which predetermine a positive emotional reaction to the purple stimulus, are related to the reduction of adaptive possibilities as a consequence of the deformation of the integrative role of self-consciousness and the orientation towards the realization of subconscious aspects of emotions. The described characteristics cause functional weaknesses in the system of interaction of an abnormal personality with the surrounding world. The leading emotional and personal tendencies of the psychopath cause distortion of the personal orientation and possibilities of arbitrary regulation of their own behavior, which, in turn, creates conditions for easier formation of illegal behavior than in a mentally healthy person. Prophylactic work to prevent the abusive behavior of an abnormal person should take into account the peculiarities of the emotional and personal tendencies.


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How to Cite
Bolshakova, A. M., Perevozna, T. O., Videnieiev, I. O. and Khartsii, O. M. (2018) “ON THE ISSUE OF STUDYING EMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL TENDENCIES WITHIN ABNORMAL INDIVIDUALS WITH UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOR”, Law and Safety, 65(2), pp. 126-130. Available at: https://pb.univd.edu.ua/index.php/PB/article/view/100 (Accessed: 28March2025).