Development of Corporate Management in the System of Human Resourcing
The current stage of development of the corporate management system in the human resourcing system is directly related to changes that are based on the latest advances in science, technology, using modern tools of influence, which are the dynamic process that is constantly being improved.
Personnel management needs an adequate response, including both through the selection and additional training of specialists with appropriate qualification and direction, as well as the involvement of highly qualified specialists.
Approaches to the formalization of certain stages of the human resourcing system as a component of corporate management of a business entity have been substantiated. The main threats of the corporate personnel management system and motivational factors for employees participation in making and implementing management decisions have been determined; and for the use of the most effective leadership style, as well as the formation of organizational culture in the transformation of managerial forms of influence. The necessity of reforming the corporate management system in the human resourcing system has been proved and the directions of the improvement of its forms and methods have been determined.
The main threats to the security of human resources of the entity and motivation to ensure corporate culture have been identified through the system of formalization of certain stages of the system of corporate management formation. Factors of innovation management and focus on human resources management through the formation of team cells have obtained further development.
It has been proved that the fundamental methodological direction of the development of modern theory of internal management system is the use of situational approach to corporate governance, which allows to form an adaptive management style, to use new tactics within new circumstances to overcome backwardness and regression.
It has been determined that a characteristic feature of corporate management is the strengthening of attention to organizational culture, various forms of management, employees participation in the adoption and implementation of management decisions; the use of the most effective leadership style.
It has been substantiated that competitive relations are the dynamic process that evolves with further strengthening, growing uncertainty, unpredictability and instability of the external environment, the emergence of new obstacles.
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