Keywords: professional health care, personality of a law enforcement officer, psychopathological symptoms, quality of life


It has been noted that the service of the officers from the National Guard of Ukraine in the conditions of the anti-terrorist operation has typical and non-typical components. The non-typical conditions of the service activity of law enforcement officers of the National Guard of Ukraine in the zone of anti-terrorist operation (ATO) include: a number of specific factors that contribute to increased nervous and mental stress: increased responsibility for the performance of duties; facing anti-social, immoral actions of others; conditions of service activity, where the performance of one of the tasks requires actions that contradict another task; an increased level of life threatening; round-the-clock service with a firearm; interpersonal conflicts; impossibility to influence the conditions of service; the need to personally provide living conditions that do not meet the regulatory requirements and cause physical and physiological discomfort; separation from the family and relatives, etc.

It has been found out that response of law enforcement officers to stress factors of non-typical conditions of service activity is non-pathological. There are no significant differences between the manifestations of psychopathological symptoms of law enforcement officers, depending on the time after the trip to the ATO zone. However, law enforcement officers who returned less than a month ago from a business trip have a higher level of symptoms of somatization, depression, and the general index of severity of distress. Over time, the manifestation of these symptoms decreases, but does not disappear at all. The group of those who returned more than a month ago from a business trip, the symptoms of anxiety are more expressed comparing to the colleagues who do not have experience of serving in non-typical conditions.

It has been determined that the presence of the service experience in non-typical conditions among law enforcement officers affects the quality of life satisfaction. The target group with the above mentioned experience more assesses the following sub-spheres of life, such as: personal relationships, the environment, opportunities for obtaining new information and skills, transportation.

Law enforcement officers who have just completed their official duties in the ATO zone are more satisfied with the quality of the environment, with the possibility of obtaining new information and skills, as well as the transport means available to them. The representatives of the target group, since returning from business trips to the ATO zone, if the term of their return is more than a month, are more satisfied with the quality of personal relationships.


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How to Cite
Kudar, K. V. (2018) “FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AFTER PERFORMING SERVICE ACTIVITIES IN NON-TYPICAL CONDITIONS”, Law and Safety, 67(4), pp. 192-199. Available at: https://pb.univd.edu.ua/index.php/PB/article/view/41 (Accessed: 29March2025).