• V. O. Herasymov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: crimes within the banking sector, method of structural analysis, types of crimes, criteria of differentiation


The article is focused on the use of the method of structural analysis in criminological studies of crime within the banking sector. Through the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the author has established that along with the concept of “crimes within banking” researchers use a number of related concepts: “crimes in the banking sector”, “crimes within the credit and financial sector”, etc. It has been established that in criminology there is no either a single approach to the name of this group of crimes, but also regarding the selection of criteria for determining the scope of crimes within the banking sector.

The author has made an attempt to improve the notion of crimes in the sphere of banking activity, has determined them as “the socially dangerous guilty acts under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, encroaching on funds or other property, commercial or banking secrecy of banks and / or their clients, on the procedure of credit and financial transactions in banking institutions, or illegal actions with transfer documents, payment cards and other means of access to bank accounts, electronic money, equipment for their manufacture, committed with the use of banking operations”.

Taking into account the main objective of the criminological research, namely the development of means to counteract the studied type of crime, the author has substantiated the possibility of structuring the criminological group of crimes in the field of banking activity according to four types of criteria.


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How to Cite
Herasymov, V. O. (2018) “STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF CRIMES WITHIN THE BANKING SECTOR”, Law and Safety, 66(3), pp. 57-62. Available at: (Accessed: 20October2024).