It has been noted that legal facts are a systematic element of the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations, since they are the basis for the emergence of legal relations, and therefore consideration of an independent mechanism of legal regulation without isolation of legal facts is impossible. The problem of determining the legal facts within the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations is due to the fact that in modern legal science, there is the position regarding the inclusion of housing legal relations into civilian ones, and therefore we virtually deny the expediency of isolating an independent mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations. Therefore, the identification of legal facts in the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations is a step in proving the expediency of considering housing legal relations as independent legal relations.
Based on a study conducted to determine legal facts within the mechanism of the legal regulation of housing relations, it has been concluded that legal facts in the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations require a separate study. These are specific life circumstances that lead to the emergence, change or termination of housing legal relations. They are provided for in normative acts of both private and public law. Modern housing legal relations received a complete updating of the content, which requires their separate study in terms of legal regulation, in particular the study of legal facts in the mechanism of legal regulation. Law-creating, law-making and law-taking legal facts of housing legal relations require an independent study. The fundamental law-creating legal fact of housing relations is the fact of the need for a residence.
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