Keywords: innovative competence, professional activity, competence, specialist, innovations, readiness for changes


The authors have provided results of theoretical research of the problem of innovative competence in professional activity as an important feature of a specialist in modern society. In science, the various approaches to studying this phenomenon in terms of the educational sphere are rather widely represented, in contrast to the consideration of this problem in the plane of other types of professional activity.

The authors of this article believe that the study of innovative competence of a specialist as an important competence within professional activity requires theoretical analysis from a psychological point of view. They reveal various interpretations of the concept of innovative activity, which is interpreted as a complex system that includes mechanisms for the implementation of value and semantic landmarks and the content of productive professional activities: training, education, development, self-education, acquaintance with innovations; innovative activity is also an instrument for self-development of an individual and a mean of self-realization of an individual, whose main role is the formation and development of personal qualities of a specialist. Innovative competence contributes to the emergence of young professionals with a broad outlook, with a high level of intellectual abilities, ready for professional communication and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for the future profession and successful participation in society activities. It has been determined that innovative competence also serves as a form of internationalization of vocational education through self-identification with the profession and is a mechanism of cultural and intellectual exchange, which, in turn, helps to find the personality of their own reserves to increase efficiency by using the opportunities of local, corporate and global computer networks.

It has been established that innovative competence in the psychological sense directly depends on the presence of innovative potential of a specialist, which the authors define as a measure of the ability to implement innovative transformations and the introduction of innovations, that is, the availability of the necessary psychological resources and the degree of intensity of their use to ensure effective performance of innovative activity by a specialist and relaying innovative experience.

Various approaches in the interpretation of the concept of innovative competence reveal in details the structural components and content of this phenomenon, which allows to determine the specificity of innovative competence and the need for its effective implementation in the basic characteristics of a modern specialist.


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How to Cite
Yevdokimova, O. O. and Aleksieienko, N. V. (2018) “INNOVATIVE COMPETENCE AS A PROFESSIONALLY IMPORTANT FEATURE OF A MODERN SPECIALIST”, Law and Safety, 65(2), pp. 146-152. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).