Legal regulation features of legal liability of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine employees
The article defines the essence and analyses the features of legal regulation of legal liability of employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine. The essence, content and significance of the category “legal liability” have been clarified, and this has been used as the basis for forming the authors’ vision of the essence of legal liability of employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine as a measure of regulatory influence on the behaviour of such employees which is exercised as a result of deviations from the rules of their activities established by law and is expressed in the application of appropriate negative measures. It has been identified and characterized a set of acts of current national legislation on the basis of which the legal liability of the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine is regulated.
The main regulatory legal acts which determine the legal grounds for bringing the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine to the relevant type of legal liability have been described. It has been concluded that bringing the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine to certain types of legal liability is not properly regulated at the legal level. It has been substantiated that the material liability of the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine who hold special ranks, unlike employees of other law enforcement agencies, is regulated by the provisions of general rather than special legislation. It has been proved that today there is no special legislative act which regulates disciplinary liability of the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine.
Approaches to overcoming the shortcomings of legal regulation of legal liability of the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine have been formed. Effective ways to resolve the situation in the area under study have been suggested by introducing appropriate amendments to the current national legislation of Ukraine, on the basis of which the legal liability of the employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine is regulated, and the necessity of adopting a special legislative act which would determine the legal basis for bringing them to disciplinary liability has been proved.
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